Monday, September 8, 2008


I looked at the 23things ning today to play around with it and realized I had spelled my name wrong. How can I manage to do the 23things and make such stupid mistakes like putting in the wrong url and mispelling my name? I do have the excuse of doing most of the 23things at home while tending to 4 children. My brother has opened my eyes to the world of firefox and tabs, which are also available on yahoo. I love the idea of being able to sort so many things and having them under tabs and not having to constantly shrink and maximize screens. I wish we had them here at the library, but I am not sure this old computer could handle it. Speaking of which, it is getting so slow that it is almost dysfunctional and it is impossible to multitask on it. I am glad that I learned about tabs and how to work them, I see this as a great time saver. Just thought I would post it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Well I finally finished 23things and realized that I had put in the wrong URL when I registered my blog. The name of the blog showed up on the 23things site, but no one could read it. I called Robin at Sammie and hopefully it is fixed. The interaction with other bloggers is half the fun of doing this. I myself like to read other peoples blogs and see what thier experience has been, as well as ideas that they may have had. It was a little dissapointing that my blog could not be reached by others, don't know I how I made such a simple mistake. At least I caught it and will get credit for finishing! I have not had much time to go back through any of the things yet but I still use facebook on a daily basis and play an online, interactive game there. I also have the yahoo tools as my home page and use de.lic.iuos. There are some things I want to explore more, but I am going to take it at a more managable pace.

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