Thursday, June 26, 2008

thoughts on #2

I have completed #2. I realize I need to move faster in order to finish on time. Not being online at home really hinders me. I believe the landscape of the web is definately changing and it is important for libraries to keep up with the change. I see the value in 23 things as a learning tool. What better way to learn than by doing? I understand that social networking is the "wave of the future", but I also value people. I would rather visit someone over a good cup of coffee than over a computer screen. That being said the value of the web and it's everchanging landscape possesses endless possibilities for libraries. It is all about makeing the library convenient, exciting, easy to use, interactive, and fun!It is important to be on the cutting edge with the rest of society. I am excited about this learning process and expanding my abilities.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have only had my blog and avatar for a week, but I am really excited about it. I have joined my friends who are tech savy. well, sort-of. I am not quite at thier level yet but I'm getting there.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I have completed my first task on 23 things on a stick. I was suprised that it was so easy to do.

trading card

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